News & Media
U.S. Department of the Treasury Awards SLDC $25 Million in New Markets Tax Credits to Benefit Local Development Projects
In the latest round of allocations announced by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund), St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) was selected to receive $25 million in New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) to further economic justice and assist local development projects.
St. Louis Leaders Celebrate Procter and Gamble’s $180 Million Expansion in North City
Earlier this month, representatives from St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) and the St. Louis Economic Development Partnership (STL Partnership) joined Mayor Tishaura O. Jones and P&G’s leadership to celebrate the company’s $180 million expansion, which will result in the creation of new jobs at the 17-acre North St. Louis campus where the company produces Cascade, Mr. Clean, Swiffer and Febreze products.
SLDC Addresses Concerns About North St. Louis Small Business & Non-Profit Grant Program at HUDZ Committee Hearing
On September 24, SLDC's President & CEO, Neal Richardson appeared in front of the HUDZ Committee to address concerns about the perceived lack of transparency and integrity surrounding the North St. Louis Small Business & Non-Profit Grant Program.
Gateway Arch Park Foundation to purchase Millennium Hotel site
St. Louis-based nonprofit Gateway Arch Park Foundation (“The Foundation”) announced today that it is under contract for the purchase of the Millennium Hotel property, located at 200 S. 4th St.
GSL & SLDC Report to Mayor Jones: Not Just Developing a Plan to Address the Future of Railway Exchange, Millennium Hotel, “We’re Already Taking Bold Action”
Greater St. Louis, Inc., St. Louis Development Corporation deliver “120-Day Report” on plan to deal with major vacant Downtown properties
Community Comes Together for Clean Up Build Up Event at Peace Park in College Hill
On July 27, SLDC was proud to partner with the City of St. Louis, Regional Business Council (RBC), Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis & many others for Clean Up Build Up at Peace Park in the College Hill Neighborhood.
Downtown Retail Incentive Program Announces First Group of Awardees
Greater St. Louis, Inc. and St. Louis Development Corporation today announced the first group of businesses receiving grants through the Downtown Retail Incentive Program – a recently formed partnership between the two organizations focused on attracting new businesses and increasing street-level vibrancy in Downtown St. Louis.
NEEC Hosts Yeah, I Built That Summer Showcase for Builders of the Future
In June, SLDC was proud to again co-sponsor the Yeah, I Built That Summer Showcase with Construction Forum and SLATE.
St. Louis Hosts German Cohort to Exchange Best Practices in Affordable Housing
In April 2024, the St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) hosted Dialogues for Urban Change, a global network comprised of three German cities — Munich, Berlin and Frankfurt — and three American cities — Seattle, Atlanta and St. Louis.
SLDC Approves $30 Million+ in Grant Awards to 295 North St. Louis Small Businesses and Non-Profits
Today, the St. Louis Development Corporation’s Board of Directors authorized the award of $30,197,909 to 295 businesses eligible to receive funding through the North St. Louis Small Business and Non-Profit Grant Program.
SLDC Approves Six Mortgage Lenders, Begins Accepting Reservations for HomeSTL Homebuyer Assistance Program
Today, the economic development organization welcomes the first six (6) mortgage lenders into the HomeSTL program, which offers homebuyer assistance up to $50,000 in the form of a forgivable loan with zero percent interest and no monthly payments for up to 15 years.
MWBE Certification Program Transitions to SLDC
St. Louis Development Corporation to Begin Administering Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) Certification Program for St. Louis Region on August 30, 2024, Pauses Acceptance of New Applications During Transition from St. Louis Lambert Airport
Innovative Pilot Program to Construct Affordable, Sustainable Housing in the City of St. Louis Launching Soon
Development Agencies to Release Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Seeking Progressive Design-Build Services in Late June
Elevate Gateway Mall as St. Louis Metro’s “Central Social District,”says New Report from Urban Land Institute
To strengthen the work underway to make Downtown St. Louis safe, vibrant, and beautiful, the Gateway Mall --- the continuous stretch of green space anchored by the Gateway Arch on the east and CITYPARK Stadium on the west, bound by Market Street on the south and Chestnut on the north --- should be elevated as the metro’s “central social district” and a spine for Downtown’s cultural economy, according to a new report from leading national land use organization the Urban Land Institute.
St. Louis Development Corporation Welcomes Stephanie Grise as EVP, Chief Operating Officer
St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) is pleased to welcome experienced lawyer, equitable strategist, people leader and process builder, Stephanie Grise, JD, MBA as its first-ever EVP, Chief Operating Officer.
SLDC Releases Training Video to Educate the Public on Policies Governing Redevelopment Agreements
To ensure the public has access to training regarding the requirements and policies that govern redevelopment agreements, SLDC — the economic development agency that staffs various development boards in the City of St. Louis — has created a training video as required by Ordinance 71620 (Board Bill 64).
City of St. Louis, Business Community Establish Public-Private Partnership to Focus on Accelerating the Revitalization of Downtown
With a focus on accelerating efforts to make Downtown St. Louis “safe, vibrant, and beautiful,” leaders from the City of St. Louis and the metro’s business community came together today to announce the establishment of a public-private partnership that will focus on accelerating the work needed to revitalize the heart of the metro.
SLDC Commissions Digital Twin of MLK Corridor, Unveils Name of Campus for Economic Mobility
Earlier this year, SLDC engaged an urban planning and geospatial design firm, Houseal Lavigne, to develop a hyper-local digital twin of the MLK Corridor, which has been identified as a priority demonstration area in the Economic Justice Action Plan.
SLDC Statement on Wall Street Journal Article About Downtown St. Louis
As the economic development agency serving the City of St. Louis, SLDC is bullish about the future of Downtown. While we understand there are layers of disinvestment that are not going to be reversed overnight, SLDC is committed to continuing to invest in making our downtown a more vibrant epicenter for businesses, residents and visitors.