News & Media
New Incentives Launched to Attract Retail Businesses to Downtown
New pop-up shops with local vendors selling handmade items. Families enjoying dinner in new outdoor seating outside local restaurants. A major national retail chain opening their first store. These are the types of things Downtown residents, workers, and visitors will see as a result of new incentives Greater St. Louis, Inc. and the St. Louis Development Corporation have partnered on to attract retail businesses to Downtown St. Louis.
SLDC Begins Recruiting Mortgage Lenders for Homebuyer Assistance Program, Introduces Two Loan Products for Businesses on 314 Day
In celebration of 314 Day, today St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) hosted an event with elected officials and community leaders to share updates on the Economic Justice Accelerator, which it launched on 314 Day in 2023.
St. Louis Selected for Bloomberg American Sustainable Cities
City of St. Louis is one of 25 cities to receive Bloomberg Philanthropies’ support to turbocharge local climate action and create more prosperous communities
SLDC Participates in Brickline Greenway Inclusive Economic Development Convening Program
On March 8, 2024, SLDC’s SVP of Strategic Growth, Lance Knuckles, was a panelist at the Brickline Greenway Inclusive Economic Development Convening Program, sharing information about Economic Development activities and projects in the City of St. Louis.
FOCUS St. Louis to Honor SLDC’s Northside Economic Empowerment Center at 2024 What’s Right with the Region Awards
On May 9, 2024, the Northside Economic Empowerment Center (NEEC), which is powered by St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC), will be among the 20 individuals, organizations and initiatives honored by FOCUS St. Louis for making a difference at the 27th Annual What’s Right with the Region Awards Celebration.
SLDC Produces Educational Video on Tax Abatement, Shares Five-Year Impacts
As the independent economic development agency serving the City of St. Louis, St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) helps promote development and job growth through tools that support our community and the businesses that want to thrive here.
City of St. Louis Releases Disparity Study
The City of St. Louis released reports examining their utilization of diverse businesses and diverse workers on City contracts . The reports were produced by Keen Independent Research LLC.
St. Louis Celebrates First Anniversary of Northside Economic Empowerment Center
On January 9, 2024, community leaders gathered in the Annex at Sumner High School to commemorate the first anniversary of the Northside Economic Empowerment Center (NEEC).
St. Louis Development Corporation Evaluating Applications for North St. Louis Small Business & Non-Profit Grant Program, Announces Next Steps to Anticipated Funding in Early 2024
As of today, the St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC), who is administering the North St. Louis Small Business & Non-Profit Grant Program, has completed its initial intake and completeness review of the 715 applications it received by the October 30, 2023 deadline.
20th Street Project Recognized with Best Planning Practice Award
At the American Planning Association (APA) – St. Louis Metro Section (APA SLMS) Winter Workshop held on December 12, 2023, the 20th Street Mobility Improvements Project won the 2023 Outstanding Award for Best Planning Practice.
#ConnectSTL Digital Inclusion Coalition Kicks Off
On December 5, 2023, the City of St. Louis, TechSTL and St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) hosted the #Connect STL Digital Inclusion Summit.
Nine PBS Podcast Listen, St. Louis with Carol Daniel featuring Neal Richardson
Part 1 of the Nine PBS Podcast Listen, St. Louis with Carol Daniel featuring Neal Richardson is now available. Carol & Neal have a great conversation about Economic Development & creating equitable growth & prosperity for disinvested areas of St. Louis.
Renovation of Historic Butler Brothers Building Transforms Downtown West City Block into Lifestyle Apartment Residences: The Victor
Thanks to the vision and investment of Memphis-based Development Services Group (DSG) a 117-year-old building in Downtown West that sat vacant for over two decades has been reactivated from the inside out.
LCRA to Consider Adopting Community-Led Redevelopment Plan to Address Blighting in North St. Louis Neighborhoods
On November 1, a community-led Redevelopment Plan for approximately 850 acres in portions of the Carr Square, JeffVanderLou and St. Louis Place Neighborhoods will be presented to the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (LCRA) — a development board staffed by the St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC).
Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis Acquires Prominent Properties on Martin Luther King Drive for World-Class Workforce Development Hub in the Heart of North City
Earlier this week, the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (LCRA) closed on its acquisition of a building and 29 vacant parcels at 3940 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive in St. Louis, Mo.
SLDC Gives Back to St. Louis Non-Profits During Inaugural SLDC Serves Day
A community outreach event to demonstrate SLDC’s commitment to making a difference in St. Louis, on this day of service, SLDC staff shared their time and talents volunteering with a variety of non-profit partner organizations throughout the city.
St. Louis Leaders Visit Detroit to Share & Learn Best Practices
In late September, representatives from SLDC, the St. Louis Community Foundation and the Mayor’s Office, including Mayor Tishaura O. Jones, visited Detroit to share and compare how each city is approaching revitalization and equitable growth by leveraging public and private sector investments.
SLDC Creates Department Focused on Strategic Growth, Fills Key Positions to Sustain and Implement Economic Justice Action Plan
St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) recently made some organizational changes to strategically align its departments and significantly invest in new positions that will focus on the successful long-term implementation of the Economic Justice Action Plan.
SLDC Announces the 2023 Mayor’s Business Luncheon Honorees
On October 13, 2023, Mayor Tishaura O. Jones and St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) will host the 2023 Mayor’s Business Luncheon.
SLDC’s Dale Ruthsatz to be Honored for Contributions in Economic Development
The Missouri Economic Development Finance Association (MEDFA) will recognize St. Louis Development Corporation’s (SLDC) Dale Ruthsatz with its 2023 Richard A. King Award.