Innovative Pilot Program to Construct Affordable, Sustainable Housing in the City of St. Louis Launching Soon

Development Agencies to Release Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Seeking Progressive Design-Build Services in Late June

St. Louis, MO (June 12, 2024) – To meet the needs of current and new St. Louis residents while building upon the City’s significant investment in housing construction and rehab, this summer, St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) — in partnership with the Community Development Administration (CDA) — plans to release an RFQ followed by a Request for Proposals (RFP) for progressive design-build services for the construction of 10-20 contemporary homes. The program aims to evolve the City’s housing construction paradigm by prioritizing the development of missing middle housing, and piloting innovative construction techniques such as modular construction, prefabrication, panelized construction, hybrid prefabrication systems, 3D printing and more.

“Affordable housing experts and advocates know that modern building technologies can coexist with traditional construction practices,” said SLDC’s President & CEO, Neal Richardson. “Through this pilot program, we hope to demonstrate to area homeowners, leaders, lenders and realtors that modern building technologies can provide quality, affordable and sustainable homes that will help repopulate and reinvigorate neighborhoods in the City of St. Louis.”

Home construction and energy efficiency technology has been improving and changing rapidly for many years. As part of the Economic Justice Action Plan, over the past three years the City’s development agencies have invested over $80 million of local, state and federal funds into the development of more than 3,000 units of housing, which are leveraging total investments of over $600 million across the City. For comparison, the City subsidized the development of approximately 1,261 units between 2015 and 2019. To accelerate these investments in the next five years, SLDC and CDA want to encourage new firms, developers and alternative technologies to enter the home construction market to support the development of housing as diverse as St. Louis.

SLDC has engaged the City’s Planning & Urban Design Agency (PDA), as well as the Building Division, as partners in this effort to ensure that the proposed designs are reviewed for consistency with local code requirements and selected design/s are developed in a timely manner. The City’s Affordable Housing Commission (AHC) will also bring their expertise to bear as they help review proposals alongside CDA & SLDC staff.  

“St. Louis residents — now and in 100 years — deserve to live in a home that will last, maintain energy efficiency in a changing climate and provide an opportunity to build wealth for future generations,” added Nahuel Fefer, Executive Director of CDA. “We are working to rebuild residential housing markets by focusing development, building stabilization programs, demolition, home repair and other resources block by block.”

This innovative new construction pilot program dovetails with over $50 million in funds the City has already dedicated to stabilize and preserve vacant buildings whenever possible, and demolish and deconstruct them when necessary, as well as over $20 million that has been dedicated to supporting homeowners in the City.

Upon successful completion of the pilot program, the City anticipates committing additional funds to support the construction of hundreds of additional units — ideally in partnership with housing manufacturers committed to working in or relocating to St. Louis — and intends to support greater diversity of developers in the City and region. The program also seeks to inform future strategy and programs related to housing, climate resilience and affordability.

Process to Procure Progressive Design-Build Services

The RFQ — to be released in late June — will invite development teams, including architectural design firms and housing manufacturers, to submit their experience and qualifications. SLDC and CDA will invite the highest scoring teams from the RFQ to respond to the RFP, which will include the proposed site with conceptual designs. CDA and SLDC have committed $3.25 million in ARPA funds to this initiative, and stipends will be made available to all teams selected to respond to the RFP. SLDC, CDA, PDA and AHC staff will review proposals, solicit community input and select a development team to design, deliver and install or construct 10-20 units on a 3-5-acre site in the City of St. Louis. The firm or team of firms must:

  • Exhibit experience in the design and delivery of innovative residential construction

  • Work with City departments, under guidance of SLDC and CDA, to meet all design, energy and construction standards

  • Be able to quickly deliver a finished product, with preferred construction completion in Summer 2025

  • Be able to design and deliver residential buildings with these general guidelines:

    • Designed and built with quality building materials and methods for the buildings to last 30+ years without major renovation

    • Significant energy efficiency outcomes that result in low utility costs for residents

    • A mix of single-family and 2+ unit homes

SLDC anticipates releasing the RFQ on June 28 and the RFP in early August. Click here to access the RFQ.


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