Economic Development Incentives
The City of St. Louis has an array of financial tools and resources available to companies that are investing in redevelopment across the city. Many of these incentives are administered by SLDC.
Zachary Wilson
VP Economic Development Incentives
wilsonz@stlouis-mo.gov • 314.657.3773
Linda Criss
Administrative Assistant II
Economic Development Incentives
crissl@stlouis-mo.gov • 314.657.3771
Andrew Knop
Development Incentives Analyst
Community Benefit Analysis
knopa@stlouis-mo.gov • 314.657.3737
James Djamba
GIS Analyst
djambaj@stlouis-mo.gov • 314.657.3742
Madeleine Swanstrom
Incentive Compliance Manager
swanstromm@stlouis-mo.gov • 314.657.3824