Incentive Process Overview
Developer Portal
To streamline the development process, SLDC offers a self-service Developer Portal. This simple and accessible tool allows developers to apply for and track the process on incentive projects in the City of St. Louis.
Through the portal, developers can monitor development projects, receive real-time notifications throughout the review process and electronically provide necessary documents and information as requested by SLDC staff.
Developers seeking incentives for any project in the City of St. Louis — regardless of size and scope — must register for the portal and create a profile.
Between 2017-2022, tax abatement programs have spurred:
residential units
square feet of commercial space
hotel rooms
overall investment
in 10-year fiscal benefit to the City
Training on Policies Governing Redevelopment Agreements
In February 2023, to establish transparent, standardized and beneficial policies and procedures for the consideration of Development Proposals, the City of St. Louis adopted Ordinance 71620 (Board Bill 64). As required by the ordinance, SLDC created the video below to ensure the public has access to training regarding the requirements and policies that govern redevelopment agreements.
Community Benefits Scorecard
To ensure all development projects are equitable and just, SLDC has been working to reform the way we evaluate economic development incentives. The new SLDC scorecard updates our review process to improve accountability and bring increased transparency, and ensure all projects are evaluated with Economic Justice in mind.
Compliance with St. Louis City Code 3.160
SLDC reports on compliance with City Code Chapter 3.160. There are three ordinances that comprise this chapter. Ordinance 71620, codified as St. Louis City Revised Code Chapter 3.160, outlines policies and procedures for the consideration of development proposals, as well as new requirements for enforcement mechanisms and reporting requirements for approved developments. The effective date of Ordinance 71620 was February 16, 2023.
In 2024, two ordinances were approved amending this chapter. Ordinance 71833 requires SLDC to notify labor unions when preparing development proposals to present to the Board of Aldermen for projects over $1 million. SLDC is also required to include in the Development Proposal Report a list of previous tax incentives awarded by the City to applicants seeking incentives and a list of all incentives awarded by the City of the same parcels where development is being proposed. The effective date was June 1, 2024. Ordinance 71809 requires developers seeking or receiving incentives (Recipients) to be current in paying taxes and water/refuse bills owed to the City. The effective date of this ordinance was April 13, 2024.
The Chapter requires SLDC to provide an annual compliance report to the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen detailing its efforts to comply with Chapter 3.160 prior to the end of each fiscal year. Click below for the most recent Annual Compliance Report.
Zachary Wilson
VP Economic Development Incentives
wilsonz@stlouis-mo.gov • 314.657.3773
Linda Criss
Administrative Assistant II
Economic Development Incentives
crissl@stlouis-mo.gov • 314.657.3771
Andrew Knop
Development Incentives Analyst
Community Benefit Analysis
knopa@stlouis-mo.gov • 314.657.3737
Madeleine Swanstrom
Incentive Compliance Manager
swanstromm@stlouis-mo.gov • 314.657.3824
James Djamba
GIS Analyst
djambaj@stlouis-mo.gov • 314.657.3742