Priority Sites & Projects
In 2022, SLDC identified several key Development Board-owned priority sites and projects within the Economic Justice Demonstration Areas that will catalyze equitable economic growth. Using our Roadmap for Redevelopment, we are currently focusing our efforts on a handful of those sites, which are in varying stages of community engagement and stabilization:
Chuck Berry House: 3137 Whittier Street
Objective(s): Stabilize structure, community engagement in revisioning and reuse, market site for future redevelopment.
Source of funds: Economic Development Sales Tax Fund
Completed to-date: Structural assessment, report, repair recommendations, and cost estimations. Execution of supplemental structural engineering service agreement and creation of detailed technical specifications and drawings. Selection of contractor for stabilization work.
Ongoing: Community Development Administration approval of stabilization contract
Next Steps: Notice To Proceed with Structural Repair and Related Work (Estimated date for stabilization work to be completed – Early 2025)
Sara Lou Café: 4067 Saint Louis Avenue
Objective(s): Stabilize structure, community engagement in revisioning and reuse, market site for future redevelopment.
Source of funds: Eco-Devo, possible request for more Eco-Devo funds
Completed to-date: Structural assessment, report, repair recommendations and cost estimations. Contract execution of the supplemental structural engineering services agreement. Creation of stabilization construction documents. RFB for stabilization issued.
Ongoing: The solicitation for Structural Repair and Related Work is currently open and closes March 19, 2025
Next Steps: Selection of contractor, Community Development Administration approval of stabilization contract, contract execution
(Estimated date for stabilization work to be completed (Mid 2025)
Wellston Station: 6111 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive
Objective(s): Stabilize structure for future redevelopment
Source of Funds: LRA Proactive Development & Rehabilitation Fund
Completed to-date: Hazardous material cleanup and partial demolition down to the building’s framework have begun, along with initial shoring efforts.
Ongoing: A comprehensive structural inspection report with repair recommendations, to be prepared by Vestal Corporation, is underway. This report will be completed following the full demolition, cleanup, and shoring processes.
Next Steps: Vestal Corporation will finalize the comprehensive structural inspection report with recommended repairs. (Estimated full assessment completion is Jan. 2025)
Club Imperial: 6306 W. Florissant Avenue
Objective(s): Stabilize structure for future redevelopment
Source of Funds: LRA Proactive Development & Rehabilitation Fund
Completed to-date A safety report with repair recommendations has been prepared by David Mason.
Ongoing: Scaffolding and perimeter fencing are currently being installed to ensure public safety.
Next Steps: To get an in-depth structural inspection report with repair recommendations prepared by David Mason. Collaborate with developers, alderwomen, community leaders, and the public to define the next steps for the future of this building.
Marshall School: 4322 Aldine
Objective(s): Stabilize structure for future redevelopment
Source of Funds: LCRA Proactive Development & Site Assembly Fund 23-SLFRF-43
Completed to-date EPA technical assistance reuse plan completed April 2023.
Ongoing: Procurement of structural and environmental engineers for assessment.
Next Steps: To get an in-depth structural inspection report with repair recommendations prepared by engineer with stabilization recommendations. Bid out and commence stabilization measures. Prepare a Request for Proposals to identify a valid and feasible redevelopment proposal.
Cleveland High School: 4352 Louisiana Avenue
Objective(s): Stabilize structure for future redevelopment, market site for future redevelopment.
Source of Funds: LCRA Proactive Development & Site Assembly Fund 23-SLFRF-43
Completed to-date
Ongoing: Engaging with a partnership with The St. Louis Community Foundation to engage a structural engineer to evaluate the property and prepare a scope of work for stabilization. EPA technical assistance for reuse planning.
Next Steps: Gain site control via purchase or long-term assignable option that allows for stabilization work. Finalize structural inspection report with repair recommendations prepared by engineer with stabilization recommendations. Bid out and commence stabilization measures. Prepare a Request for Proposals to identify a valid and feasible redevelopment proposal.
Railway Exchange Building: 600 Locust Street
Objective(s): Market site for future redevelopment.
Source of Funds: TBD
Completed to-date Eminent domain process initiated. Court-appointed commissioners valued property at $7.3 million.
Ongoing: Waiting for Board of Aldermen to approve bill allocating money towards Railway Exchange. Parcel owner appealed eminent domain price. City of St. Louis/Greater St. Louis Inc. providing security for site.
Next Steps: Gain site control via purchase with Ram Settlement dollars or other source. Have parking garage demolished soon after acquisition. Prepare a Request for Proposals to identify a valid and feasible redevelopment proposal.
Municipal Courts Building: 1320 Market Street
Objective(s): Market site for future redevelopment.
Source of Funds: TBD
Completed to-date RFP bids.
Ongoing: City received two proposals from developers.
Next Steps: Prepare report for city to review proposals. Assisting with the convening of a selection committee to recommend potential redeveloper to Board of Aldermen. (Could be subject to change)
Millennium Hotel: 200 South 4th Street
Objective(s): Assist Gateway Arch Park Foundation in marketing site for redevelopment.
Source of Funds: TBD
Completed to-date Assisted Gateway Arch Park Foundation with the redevelopment plan/blighting study.
Ongoing: Four developers submitted proposals to Gateway Arch Park Foundation.
Next Steps: SLDC willing to assist with predevelopment work at site. SLDC will issue a request to identify a designated developer for the site related to the redevelopment plan, which would then relate to potential incentives being applied for.
The Monarch on MLK Campus for Economic Mobility: 3940 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive
In October 2023, the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis (LCRA) —a development board staffed by the St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) —purchased a 150,000-square-foot industrial building at 3940 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive in North St. Louis, along with 29 surrounding vacant parcels. Once redeveloped, the 15.39-acre site will transform into an innovative transit-accessible workforce and training campus for manufacturing and other high-paying, in-demand careers.
Future Opportunities
SLDC has also prioritized the following projects for redevelopment:
SLPS Properties:
Cleveland High School
Turner School
Other Properties:
Railway Exchange Building
Martin Luther King Innovation District
Easton Development
Enterprise Cleaning Building
Be Well Café
The Annie Malone Campus
North Sarah: Phase 4
St. Mary's High School
LCRA Properties:
City Block 177
Tucker/Locust Garage

Rob Orr
SVP, Real Estate Development
orrr@stlouis-mo.gov • 314.657.3738
Peter Phillips
VP, Land Assemblage and Redevelopment
phillipsp@stlouis-mo.gov • 314.657.3736