SLDC Announces Bylaws Change and Appointment of New Board Member
St. Louis Development Corporation’s (SLDC) Board of Directors voted yesterday to amend its bylaws, creating a succession plan for vacancies of ex-officio member seats.
SLDC is governed by a volunteer board comprised of six representatives from the Development Boards. SLDC oversees, and the Chairs of the Board of Aldermen’s HUDZ Committee and Budget and Public Employees Committee.
"We recognize the vital role collaboration plays in driving equitable growth for St. Louis, and this bylaw update reflects our commitment to maintaining strong partnerships with the City and its leadership,” said Neal Richardson, SLDC CEO. “By allowing the President of the Board of Aldermen to appoint a replacement for any resigning ex-officio member, we ensure continued representation that aligns with the city's goals and priorities. This amendment, developed in consultation with the President’s Office, underscores SLDC's dedication to fostering accountability and inclusion in our governance.”
Following approval of the bylaws, Board of Aldermen President Megan Green named Alderwoman Alisha Sonnier to serve on the SLDC board. “I have an obligation to fill this vacancy with an effective collaborator who can organize colleagues to address challenging issues,” said President Green. “Alderwoman Sonnier’s previous experience serving on the city’s TIF commission, her work on important legislation like the Tax Accountability in Development Act, and her commitment to representing the public’s interest as Chair of the Committee of the Whole make her the right choice to build trust at this critical moment.”
"As a member of the Budget Committee, Vice Chair of the HUDZ Committee, and the former SLPS liaison to the TIF Commission, I am ready and willing to step into this important role with the SLDC Board of Directors,” Sonnier said. “I look forward to serving as a representative for the Board of Aldermen in this space, bringing my experience, broadening my knowledge, and doing my part to ensure transparency and accountability."