2025 Mayor's Celebration of Businesses
Friday, October 3, 2025
Marriott St. Louis Grand Hotel – Majestic Ballroom
800 Washington Ave. St. Louis, MO 63101
Reception at 11:00 a.m. • Luncheon: Noon – 1:30 p.m.
Sponsor’s Reception - personalized giveaways to attendees, speaking opportunity for up to three minutes during the reception
Presented by sponsorship name rights (premium logo and name placement incorporated in the luncheon theme and logo)
Logo digitally projected at reception room and luncheon venue
Logo and brief write up (and video if applicable) in digital program and luncheon website
Logo placement on all luncheon materials (digital program with company website link, promotional emails blasts, website, social media, Eventbrite registration and program presentation)
Premium logo placement on the program panel card with QR code linking to the digital program at each place setting
Table of 10 with logo placement at table
SPONSOR LEVEL 1 – $10,000
Invitation to Sponsor’s Reception
Logo placement on all luncheon materials (digital program with company website link, promotional email blasts, website, social media, Eventbrite registration and program presentation)
Logo placement on program panel card with QR code linking to the digital program at each place setting
Table of 10 with logo placement at table
SPONSOR LEVEL 2 – $7,500
Invitation to Sponsor’s Reception
Logo placement on all luncheon materials (digital program with company website link, promotional email blasts, website, social media,
Eventbrite registration and program presentation)
Logo placement on program panel card with QR code linking to the digital program at each place setting
Table of 10 with logo placement at table
SPONSOR LEVEL 3 – $5,000
Invitation to Sponsor’s Reception
Logo placement on all luncheon materials (digital program with company website link, promotional email blasts, website, social media, Eventbrite registration and program presentation)
Logo placement on program panel card with QR code linking to the digital program at each place setting
Table of 10 with logo placement at table
SPONSOR LEVEL 4 – $2,500
Invitation to Sponsor’s Reception
Logo and company website link in the digital program
Logo placement on program panel card with QR code linking to the digital program at each place setting
Half table (5 tickets)
Only for Non-Profits, Small and W/MBE Businesses with less than 25 employees:
Two tickets
Invitation to Sponsor’s Reception
Logo and company website link in the digital program