City of St. Louis Tax Abated Construction Projects
Crunden-Martin | Gateway South
GC: Paric, Terry Turnbeaugh, tlturnbeaugh@paric.com , 636.591.9890
Marquette Homes
GC: EM Harris Construction, Phil Krull at pkrull@emharris.com, 314.880.4112
Marquette Homes Project Coming to Dutchtown
GC: E M Harris, John Daniel; jdaniel@emharris.com, 314.880.4114
Preservation Sq IV McCormick
GC: Bingman, Chris Adams; cja@bingmancc.com, 636.791.3334
The Edison
GC: Midas Hospitality, Ryan Gierer RGierer@midas.build, 636.303.6365
2125-2151 Locust, 2106-2128 Washington
AHM group
GC: Holland, Nathan Munie; nmunie@hollandcs.com, 618.631.0357
Goodwill (Cortex)
GC: Tarlton Corporation, Andy Picha, ampicha@tarltoncorp.com, 314.633.3446
New Opportunities: Active City RFPs. RFQs, RFIs and Bids
Product bids or Request for Quotations (RFQs) are for one-time purchases or contracts for tangible items and services that relate to tangible items, including computer software, over $500.
Request for Proposals and or Qualifications (RFPs) are for professional services issued by individual City Departments and Agencies, including construction related projects.
Request for Information (RFIs) are informational meetings before an RFP, RFQ or Request for Bid is issued, to help the City determine how to refine specifications and determine eligibility for participation in the competitive bidding process.
If you have any questions, please contact Lynn Crawford for clarification.
Kimpton-Staybridge Hotel
GC: Brinkmann Construction, Chris Kaintz, ckaintz@brinkmannconstructors.com, 312.287.9945
SSM Cardinal Glennon
GC: McCarthy Construction; Ray Elking, relking@mccarthy.com ; Matt Sauer, msauer@mccarthy.com; Jeff Bassler, jbassler@mccarthy.com
Delmar Divine Phase II
GC: PARIC, Grant Whitson, gwhitson@paric.com, 636.561.9396
Rock Spring School
GC: Blackline Design & Construction, Jenny McKie, jmckie@blacklinestl.com
Kingsway’s The Bridge
GC, TBD contact@kingswaydevelopment.net
Flats@Forest Park
GC: Holland Construction, Joel Vidlak, jvidlak@hollandcs.com, 618.365.0439