Business Retention, Expansion & Attraction (BREA) Incentive Programs & Financing Tools
As the independent economic development agency serving the City of St. Louis, St. Louis Development Corporation (SLDC) helps promote development and job growth through tools that support our community and the businesses that want to thrive here. To encourage development and investment in new commercial/industrial construction in the City of St. Louis, SLDC offers various economic development incentives. These incentives are financial tools available to government agencies and economic development organizations like SLDC. Incentives support development and job creation in the city by lowering barriers for financial investment. SLDC is charged with evaluating applications for incentives for development and redevelopment projects. SLDC also administers these incentives as recommended by the various development boards it staffs and authorized by the Board of Aldermen.
Business Retention, Expansion & Attraction (BREA) is an important component of St. Louis’ economic development ecosystem. SLDC staff is available to help facilitate the expansion and retention of businesses of all sizes in the City of St. Louis. Specific incentive programs are available for companies already located in St. Louis looking to expand and other programs are available to incentivize companies interested in locating in St. Louis. BREA Incentive Programs include:
Zachary Wilson
VP Economic Development Incentives
wilsonz@stlouis-mo.gov • 314.657.3773
Stephen Davis
VP, Strategic Partnerships & Initiatives
davisstep@stlouis-mo.gov • 314.657.3777