Business Licensing & Permitting
Business Assistance Center (BAC)
Located at City Hall, the BAC facilitates the licensing and permitting of businesses in the City of St. Louis. Save time and work with the BAC team to streamline the process.
Access information needed to open your business in the City of St. Louis
Receive by email all appropriate applications for:
Occupancy permits
Home occupation waivers
Business licenses
Contractor's licenses
Building permits
To request documents and forms needed to start your business:
Email: bac@stlouis-mo.gov and and we will respond with what you need to get started.
Call: 314.622.4120
Visit: 1200 Market Street, Room 421
The BAC is open Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Calendar of Training & Events

This building? It's the building in which Mrs. Aretha Latimore works, in a magical space called The Business Assistance Center. All respect and praises to Room 421!
This is a place that can chew up your goodwill, but if you have a champion with you, you can make that walk from office to office with confidence, thanks to someone like, yes, Mrs. Aretha Latimore.
This is the place that felt as if it couldn't be conquered today, with indifference creeping at the edges, occasional hostility lurking on the horizon and paper, real and digital, providing a heavy weight upon the shoulders of some downtrodden, would-be entrepreneurs. But we had someone on our side, whose name will be sung throughout the ages at both Chatawa and Grand Pied.
That name belongs, of course, to Mrs. Aretha Latimore. Our hero. Today and evermore. She's the damned best.